What is Knitting | Classification of knitting

What is Knitting

Knitting is a technique used in textile engineering to create fabric by interlocking loops of yarn or thread using knitting needles or machines. It's a popular method alongside weaving and nonwoven techniques. Knitting can produce a variety of fabrics with different properties such as elasticity, thickness, and texture, depending on the type of yarn, stitch pattern, and machine used.

What is Knitting | Classification of knitting
What is Knitting | Classification of knitting

The fabrics produced by knitting are used for various applications like clothing, home textiles, medical textiles, geotextiles, and sports textiles. Knitted fabrics are known for their elasticity and seamless finish, which makes them suitable for producing garments like socks, hats, and gloves using circular knitting machines.

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Warp knitting, on the other hand, is used to create fabrics in a flat shape and is often used to produce items such as lingerie, swimwear, and sportswear. Overall, knitting is a crucial process in textile engineering, and it plays an essential role in the production of a broad range of fabrics.

Classification of knitting:

What is Knitting | Classification of knitting
What is Knitting | Classification of knitting

Warp knitting :

A method of making a fabric by normal knitting means is which the loop made from each warp thread is formed substantially along the length of the fabric. Characterized by the fact that each warp thread is feed more or less in the line with the direction in which the fabric is produced.

What is Knitting | Classification of knitting
Warp Knitting

Weft knitting:

A method of making a fabric by normal knitting means is which the loop made from each weft thread formed substantially along the length of the fabric. Characterized by the fact that each warp thread is feed more or less in the line with the direction in which the fabric is produced.

Single jersey:

A fabric in which all the loops of the Wales are intermeshed in one direction is called single jersey. Only cylinder is used to make single jersey fabric. End Products of Single Jersey Circular Knitting Machine:

1. Single Jersey Plain
2. Single Lacoste
3. Double Lacoste
4. Single pique
5. Double pique
6. Terry
7. Heavy Jersey

Double jersey:

A fabric in which all the loops of the alternate wale/Wales are inter-meshed in one direction and all the loops of the other wales knitted t the same course are inter-meshed in the other direction is called the double jersey. Dial and cylinder are used to make this type of fabric.


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